Mobile World Congress: de regreso en 2023
From the 28th of February until the 3rd of March 2023 is when Fira venue in Barcelona will host the Mobile World Congress (MWC), in its 18th version. The wireless industry gathering, which brings together more than two thousand exhibitors and more than ten thousand visitors, is cataloged as “the largest and most influential event in the world for the connectivity industry”, as states the MWC site.
¿Por qué es el Mobile World Congress tan importante?
La feria líder en el mercado de la telefonía móvil es una buena oportunidad para establecer contactos con operadores móviles globales, fabricantes de dispositivos, proveedores y vendedores de tecnología, y posicionar su producto, negocio o idea. Los principales temas a tratar estarán relacionados con la aceleración 5G, realidad virtual, tecnología financiera, entre otros.
Para poder visitar la feria es necesario realizar una preinscripción online. En relación a los expositores, ha habido muchas candidaturas pero sólo 48 empresas del sector de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) de la movilidad tendrán la oportunidad de montar su stand de exposición.
¿Qué debe tener un stand de exhibición?
It is a recurring question among those who want to offer their product or service. First of all, both the design and the assembly of the stand should not be random. At a trade show event you will find a lot of competition and there will be little time to capture the maximum attention of your customers.
La variada competencia y el tiempo limitado no son sólo los obstáculos que deberá enfrentar el expositor. También hay otra cuestión: captar la atención del visitante del evento ferial.
A bad decision could cost dearly, such as losing potential clients. Which is why you may wonder how to get customers to stop at your exhibition stand and spend some of their time. In FA we have some tips and advice.
- Interactive Experience: take advantage of technology and its resources. Make your client not only a spectator, but rather an accomplice involved in your stand and live the experience so that your stand will be remembered. One of the options is to go to virtual reality or augmented reality.
- Define size strategically: more is not always better. Take advantage of all the spaces and optimize your exhibition stand.
- Location: it is crucial to make your stand an accessible place. Therefore think of smart entrances that invite the attendee to enter your trade show stand.
- Give something in return: souvenirs or gifts are always a good way to pamper your customer. Leave them with a memory.
- Memorable stand design: attract with bold colors and stand out from the crowd with a unique and innovative design. Take advantage of the space of your stand and give it visibility with elements that mark your added value.
- Lighting: take full advantage of the lights and use them to highlight something in particular that you want to highlight: a product, photography, etc.